GE Carestation 620 and 650
Compact without compromise
Well-suited for small environments
Efficient workflow
Intelligent, intuitive lighting
Low cost of ownership due to serviceable design
Vital Capacity Procedure
Cycling Procedure
Pause Gas Flow Feature
As low as 5mL tidal volumes
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The Carestation 620 and 650 anesthesia machines continue to offer GE’s unique approach to perioperative solutions – close and continuous collaboration with clinicians. Clinicians will benefit from the compact, integrated design that features advanced anesthesia delivery and the very best in anesthesia patient monitoring, the same consistent design philosophy that has carried GE to near-ubiquity.
The Carestation 620 and 650 also offer one switch power up of elements and flexibility for different display options for monitoring hemodynamic, adequacy of anesthesia, and respiratory data on full-color displays. Consistent menus, quick key actions and alarm management minimize the need for training and reduce complexity during critical and non-critical events. Featuring an electronic anesthesia gas mixing systems by offering a 500-millisecond mixer response time, even during dramatic flow changes. Dual flow sensing technology ensures safe operation as gas flow is checked 200 times per second.
The integrated compact breathing system enables easy on/off capability, facilitating easier cleaning and reduced maintenance time; ease of disassembly (no tools) and cleaning (fully autoclavable); and complete detection of the compact breathing system utilizing integrated electronics. The integrated design of the compact breathing system enhances the system’s elegance by minimizing tube connections and circuit volume, while keeping much of the work surface area intact.